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Max Dependency Updates

This Maven Enforcer rule checks if the number of dependency updates does not exceed the given threshold.

The following parameters are supported by this rule:

Parameter Default Description
maxUpdates 0 The total maximum allowed number of dependency updates.
processDependencies true Whether to process the dependencies section of the project.
processDependencyManagement true Whether to process the dependencyManagement section of the project.
processDependencyManagementTransitive true Whether to process the dependencyManagement part transitive or not. In case of type pom and scope import, this means by default to report also the imported dependencies. If the parameter is set to false the report will only show updates of the imported pom itself.
processPluginDependencies true Whether to process the dependencies sections of plugins.
processPluginDependenciesInPluginManagement true Whether to process the dependencies sections of plugins which are defined in pluginManagement.
ignoreMinorUpdates false Whether minor updates should be ignored. Default false.
Note: when true, will also assume that ignoreIncrementalUpdates and ignoreSubIncrementalUpdates are also true.
ignoreIncrementalUpdates false Whether incremental updates should be ignored. Default false.
Note: when true, will also assume that ignoreSubIncrementalUpdates is also true.
ignoreSubIncrementalUpdates false Whether sub-incremental updates should be ignored. Default false.
dependencyIncludes * List of dependency inclusion patterns. Only dependencies matching all the patterns will be considered.
The wildcard (*) can be used as the only, first, last or both characters in each token. The version token does support version ranges.
dependencyExcludes (empty) List of dependency exclusion patterns. Only dependencies matching none of the patterns will be considered.
The wildcard (*) can be used as the only, first, last or both characters in each token. The version token does support version ranges.
dependencyManagementIncludes * List of dependency management inclusion patterns. Only dependencies matching all the patterns will be considered.
The wildcard (*) can be used as the only, first, last or both characters in each token. The version token does support version ranges.
dependencyManagementExcludes (empty) List of dependency management exclusion patterns. Only dependencies matching none of the patterns will be considered.
The wildcard (*) can be used as the only, first, last or both characters in each token. The version token does support version ranges.
pluginDependencyIncludes * List of plugin dependency inclusion patterns. Only dependencies matching all the patterns will be considered.
The wildcard (*) can be used as the only, first, last or both characters in each token. The version token does support version ranges.
pluginDependencyExcludes (empty) List of plugin dependency exclusion patterns. Only dependencies matching none of the patterns will be considered.
The wildcard (*) can be used as the only, first, last or both characters in each token. The version token does support version ranges.
pluginManagementDependencyIncludes * List of plugin management dependency inclusion patterns. Only dependencies matching all the patterns will be considered.
The wildcard (*) can be used as the only, first, last or both characters in each token. The version token does support version ranges.
pluginManagementDependencyExcludes (empty) List of plugin management dependency exclusion patterns. Only dependencies matching none of the patterns will be considered.
The wildcard (*) can be used as the only, first, last or both characters in each token. The version token does support version ranges.
serverId serverId settings.xml's server id for the URL. This is used when Wagon needs extra authentication information.
rulesUri URI of a ruleSet file containing the rules that control how to compare version numbers. The URI could be either a Wagon URI or a classpath URI (e.g. classpath:///package/sub/package/rules.xml).
ruleSet Allows specifying the RuleSet object describing rules on artifact versions to ignore when considering updates.
See: Using the ruleSet element in the POM

Note: Inclusion/exclusion parameters like dependencyIncludes, dependencyExcludes, etc. work the same way as parameters of the same name of the versions:display-dependency-updates goal of the plugin.

The parameters accept a list of extended GAV patterns, meaning patterns of:


of which only groupId is obligatory. On top of that, all of the components can be replaced with the asterisk (*) character in which case it will match all values.

So, e.g. both of the below patterns:

  • org.codehaus.mojo
  • org.codehaus.mojo:*

will match all artifacts with groupId org.codehaus.mojo.

Below a rundimentary example of using the enforcer rule.

The below example specifies a rule which will not allow any updates except for updates of localhost:dummy-api. It will also ignore all sub-incremental updates.

<project xmlns=""
