Version number rules
Notice: The limitations explained in this paragraph were true in Maven 2.x, but have been fixed in Maven 3.x (see Maven Versioning Wiki page for more details)
The current implementation of the Maven Version Order Specification will have a very specific format:
<MajorVersion [> . <MinorVersion [> . <IncrementalVersion ] ] [> - <BuildNumber | Qualifier ]>
Where MajorVersion, MinorVersion, IncrementalVersion and BuildNumber are all numeric and Qualifier is a string. If your version number does not match this format, then the entire version number is treated as being the Qualifier.
If your version numbers do not match this scheme, you may face issues with
- version ranges (unfortunately there is nothing that the
can do to help you with your problems with version ranges and your version numbering scheme… well you could replace your version ranges with properties and use the update-properties goal) - goals in this plugin that sort versions, for example update-properties (you can do things to help with these kinds of problems)
The versions-maven-plugin
knows three rules for comparing version numbers:
- maven, The standard Maven 2.x and 3.x version numbering scheme.
- numeric, An alternative version numbering scheme with no “special” qualifiers.
- mercury, An alternative version numbering scheme, now defunct.
The versions-maven-plugin
will assume that all version numbers follow the maven
scheme unless you tell
it otherwise.
To specify the version schemes to use, you may define a rule-set xml file, use the ruleSet
element in the versions-maven-plugin
plugin configuration, or specify ignored versions via
the maven.version.ignore
Using the rules.xml
The rules.xml
file should conform to the xsd specified in the example below.
<ruleset comparisonMethod="maven"
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<rule groupId="*.maven" comparisonMethod="mercury"/>
<rule groupId="com.mycompany" comparisonMethod="numeric"/>
<rule groupId="com.mycompany.maven" comparisonMethod="maven"/>
<rule groupId="com.mycompany.maven" artifactId="old-maven-plugin" comparisonMethod="mercury"/>
The rule-set files must match the XSD schema.
You can then use the rulesUri
parameter to specify the rule-set to be used by the
Note: the groupId
attribute in the rule
elements has a lazy .*
at the end, such that
will match com.mycompany
, etc.
Using the ruleSet
element in the POM
As an alternative to providing a separate rules.xml
file, starting with version 2.13.0
it is possible
to provide the ruleSet
element directly in the POM. The structure is somewhat simpler to
the rules.xml
<!-- zero or more elements -->
<!-- zero or more elements -->
<!-- can be either: 'exact' (default), 'regex' or 'range' -->
<!-- zero or more elements -->
<!-- zero or more elements -->
<!-- if provided, restricts the groupId for the rule -->
<!-- if provided,
<!-- syntax the same as for the general ignoreVersions -->
<!-- optional, comparison method for the rule, one of: maven (default), numeric, mercury -->
Using the maven.version.ignore
The maven.version.ignore
property can list comma-separated list of global version regex patterns, which
will be ignored when considering available versions.
Ignoring certain versions
It is possible to ignore versions on a global and on a per-rule basis.
The other methods (via the <ruleSet>
element and via the maven.version.ignore
) property have been
explained above. The described
<ruleset comparisonMethod="maven"
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<ignoreVersion type="regex">.*-beta</ignoreVersion>
<rule groupId="com.mycompany.maven" comparisonMethod="maven">
<ignoreVersion type="regex">.*-RELEASE</ignoreVersion>
<ignoreVersion type="range">[2.0.0,)</ignoreVersion>
Note: it is possible to ignore versions using regular expressions.
If you have your ruleset xml file hosted at, for example,
then the following configuration in your corporate pom would ensure that all projects use this rule set.
You can provide your ruleset xml file also within a jar, if you want to distribute your ruleset xml as Maven artifact. Therefore you have to declare the containing jar as direct dependency of the versions-maven-plugin and to use classpath as protocol.