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Execute a Runnable instead of a main

You can use since version 3.2.0 a Runnable instead of providing a main class to exec:java:



The Runnable can be a plain class but can also get constructor injections:

  • systemProperties: Properties, session system properties
  • systemPropertiesUpdate: BiConsumer<String, String>, session system properties update callback (pass the key/value to update, null value means removal of the key)
  • userProperties: Properties, session user properties
  • userPropertiesUpdater: BiConsumer<String, String>, session user properties update callback (pass the key/value to update, null value means removal of the key)
  • projectProperties: Properties, project properties
  • projectPropertiesUpdater: BiConsumer<String, String>, project properties update callback (pass the key/value to update, null value means removal of the key)
  • highestVersionResolver: Function<String, String>, passing a groupId:artifactId you get the latest resolved version from the project repositories.

Lastly you can inject a custom maven component naming the Runnable constructor parameter with its type and replacing dots by underscores. If you need to provide a hint you can suffix previous type name by __hint_$yourhint (assuming it stays a valid java name). This kind of parameter injection must be typed `Object`.


public class HelloRunnable implements Runnable {
    private final Function<String, String> versionResolver;
    private final Properties properties;
    private final BiConsumer<String, String> updater;

    public HelloRunnable(
            final Function<String, String> highestVersionResolver,
            final Properties systemProperties,
            final BiConsumer<String, String> systemPropertiesUpdater) {
        this.versionResolver = highestVersionResolver; = systemProperties;
        this.updater = systemPropertiesUpdater;

    public void run() {
        final String v = properties.getProperty("test.version");
        updater.accept("hello.runnable.output", v + ": " + (versionResolver != null));