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1   /*
2    =================== DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ====================
3    Generated by Modello 1.5 on 2015-06-17 12:02:34,
4    any modifications will be overwritten.
5    ==============================================================
6    */
8   package org.codehaus.mojo.nbm.model;
10  /**
11   * Class Dependency.
12   * 
13   * @version $Revision$ $Date$
14   */
15  @SuppressWarnings( "all" )
16  public class Dependency
17      implements
18  {
20        //--------------------------/
21       //- Class/Member Variables -/
22      //--------------------------/
24      /**
25       * groupId:artifactId of the dependency defined in the POM (or
26       * a transitive dependency).
27       */
28      private String id;
30      /**
31       * 
32       *                         Type of module dependency. 3
33       * possible values allowed.
34       *                         <p><b>spec</b> - specification
35       * dependency, module can only use public APIs in public
36       * packages. Works with the version defined and any later
37       * version.</p>
38       *                         <p><b>impl</b> - implementation
39       * dependency, module can use any class in the dependency
40       * module, but works with just the one version of the
41       * module.</p>
42       *                         <p><b>loose</b> - similar to spec,
43       * but isa very loose connection, no version is required, just
44       * the module presence.</p>
45       *                         
46       *                     
47       */
48      private String type = "spec";
50      /**
51       * 
52       *                         The plugin tries to resolve the
53       * correct module name and module specification/implementation
54       * version by examining the
55       *                         dependency jar's manifest.
56       *                         You can override this behaviour by
57       * explicitly defining the value here. For example
58       * &gt; 10.1 for a "spec" type of dependency.
59       *           
60       *                                       
61       *                     
62       */
63      private String explicitValue;
66        //-----------/
67       //- Methods -/
68      //-----------/
70      /**
71       * Get the plugin tries to resolve the correct module name and
72       * module specification/implementation version by examining the
73       *                         dependency jar's manifest.
74       *                         You can override this behaviour by
75       * explicitly defining the value here. For example
76       * &gt; 10.1 for a "spec" type of dependency.
77       * 
78       * @return String
79       */
80      public String getExplicitValue()
81      {
82          return this.explicitValue;
83      } //-- String getExplicitValue()
85      /**
86       * Get groupId:artifactId of the dependency defined in the POM
87       * (or a transitive dependency).
88       * 
89       * @return String
90       */
91      public String getId()
92      {
93          return;
94      } //-- String getId()
96      /**
97       * Get type of module dependency. 3 possible values allowed.
98       *                         <p><b>spec</b> - specification
99       * dependency, module can only use public APIs in public
100      * packages. Works with the version defined and any later
101      * version.</p>
102      *                         <p><b>impl</b> - implementation
103      * dependency, module can use any class in the dependency
104      * module, but works with just the one version of the
105      * module.</p>
106      *                         <p><b>loose</b> - similar to spec,
107      * but isa very loose connection, no version is required, just
108      * the module presence.</p>
109      * 
110      * @return String
111      */
112     public String getType()
113     {
114         return this.type;
115     } //-- String getType()
117     /**
118      * Set the plugin tries to resolve the correct module name and
119      * module specification/implementation version by examining the
120      *                         dependency jar's manifest.
121      *                         You can override this behaviour by
122      * explicitly defining the value here. For example
123      * &gt; 10.1 for a "spec" type of dependency.
124      * 
125      * @param explicitValue
126      */
127     public void setExplicitValue( String explicitValue )
128     {
129         this.explicitValue = explicitValue;
130     } //-- void setExplicitValue( String )
132     /**
133      * Set groupId:artifactId of the dependency defined in the POM
134      * (or a transitive dependency).
135      * 
136      * @param id
137      */
138     public void setId( String id )
139     {
140 = id;
141     } //-- void setId( String )
143     /**
144      * Set type of module dependency. 3 possible values allowed.
145      *                         <p><b>spec</b> - specification
146      * dependency, module can only use public APIs in public
147      * packages. Works with the version defined and any later
148      * version.</p>
149      *                         <p><b>impl</b> - implementation
150      * dependency, module can use any class in the dependency
151      * module, but works with just the one version of the
152      * module.</p>
153      *                         <p><b>loose</b> - similar to spec,
154      * but isa very loose connection, no version is required, just
155      * the module presence.</p>
156      * 
157      * @param type
158      */
159     public void setType( String type )
160     {
161         this.type = type;
162     } //-- void setType( String )
164 }