All Classes and Interfaces

Abstract mojo for all third-party mojos.
Class to fill the AbstractAddThirdPartyMojo.excludedLicenses parameter, from a simple string to split, or a list of string.
Class to fill the AbstractAddThirdPartyMojo.includedLicenses parameter, from a simple string to split, or a list of string.
Created on 23/05/16.
What to do in case of a license download error.
Abstract mojo for file-header operations (check, update, report,...).
Abstract implementation of FileHeaderTransformer.
Abstract license mojo.
Abstract mojo which using a AbstractLicenseNameMojo.licenseName and owns a AbstractLicenseNameMojo.licenseStore.
Base class for report renderers.
Base class for third-party reports.
Goal to generate the third-party license file.
Download the license files of all aggregated dependencies of the current project, and generate a summary file containing a list of all dependencies and their licenses.
This goal forks executions of the add-third-party goal for all the leaf projects of the tree of modules below the point where it is executed.
Generates a report of all third-parties detected in the module.
Implementation of FileHeaderTransformer for apt format.
Artifact filtering by groupId:artifactId regular expression includes/excludes Scope includes/excludes Type includes/excludes
An ArtifactFilters builder.
A simple HashMap based in-memory cache for storing LicenseDownloader.LicenseDownloadResults.
Writes LibreOffices Calc ODS file.
The goal to check if the state of header on project source files.
Displays all the available comment style to box file headers.
Model of a copyright.
Default implementation of ThirdPartyDetails.
Default implementation of the ThirdPartyHelper.
Default implementation of the third party tool.
A tool to deal with dependencies of a project.
Created on 23/05/16.
Download the license files of all the current project's dependencies, and generate a summary file containing a list of all dependencies and their licenses.
End of line values
Writes project license infos into Excel file.
Class which contains extended licensing information which was found in other files in the JAR, not only Mavens pom.xml's.
Contract of a file header.
File Header filter.
File header processor.
Contract to transform a file header to FileHeader in both way : Obtain a object representation of a file header from a existing file (String to FileHeader). Obtain the file header to inject in a file from a FileHeader (to update or create a file header from the file header model).
A triple consiting of a File, its SHA-1 checksum and a boolean whether FileNameEntry.file's name comes from PreferredFileNames and is thus preferred.
Defines state of a file after process.
Some basic file io utilities
Implementation of FileHeaderTransformer for freemarker format.
A helper to deal with freemarker templating.
Display help information on license-maven-plugin.
Call mvn license:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
Implementation of FileHeaderTransformer for html format.
Information about a NOTICE or LICENSE file.
The type of the source for the info file.
Exception to be thrown when a file header could not be read or transformed back to a FileHeader
Implementation of FileHeaderTransformer for java format.
Implementation of FileHeaderTransformer for jsp format.
The model of a license.
A LicensedArtifact builder.
A tool to deal with dependencies of a project.
Utilities for downloading remote license files.
A result of a license download operation.
Display all available licenses.
Map of artifacts (stub in mavenproject) grouped by their license.
A collection of LicenseMatchers.DependencyMatchers to match and replace licenses in ProjectLicenseInfo instances.
A LicenseMatchers builder
Utility methods common to various mojos.
The LicenseStore offers License coming from different LicenseRepository.
A LicenseSummaryReader.
A LicenseSummaryWriter.
Insert versions into a licenses.xml file that might have been generated by a *download-licenses mojo with writeVersions set to false.
Defines a license url pattern and replacement pair.
Contract to configure which dependencies will be loaded by the dependency tool via the method
invalid reference
DependenciesTool#loadProjectDependencies(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject, MavenProjectDependenciesConfigurator, org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository, List, java.util.SortedMap)
Mojo helper methods.
Implementation of FileHeaderTransformer for mysql format.
Implementation of FileHeaderTransformer for PHP format.
An url -> FileNameEntry mapping.
The license subelement of ProjectLicenseInfo.
Contains the license information for a single project/dependency
Implementation of FileHeaderTransformer for properties format.
The goal to remove the header on project source files.
Copies of the project's dependency sets.
A special class-path license repository defined on root java package.
Implementation of FileHeaderTransformer for apt format.
Permet d'avoir les fichiers de proprietes tries.
A license item from SPDX licenses.json.
Data not coming directly from SPDX licenses.json but enhanced by us.
A sha1 checksum and mime type associated with an URL.
A SpdxLicenseInfo builder.
A Java representation of SPDX licenses.json
A SpdxLicenseList builder.
Implementation of FileHeaderTransformer for sql format.
Object to convert in mojo a parameter from a some simple String to a List.
Details of a artifact about his third-parties stuff.
Helper class that provides common functionality required by both the mojos and the reports.
Generates a report of all third-parties detected in the module.
Generates a report of third parties of the project.
A tool to load third party files missing files.
An exception occurring during the execution of this tool.
Implementation of FileHeaderFilter to update an incoming header.
The goal to update (or add) the header on project source files.
Updates (or creates) the main project license file according to the given license defines as AbstractLicenseNameMojo.licenseName.
Applies manually configured license URL replacements as well as the default ones a necessary.
A UrlReplacements builder.
This class should be used to load the content from a URL.
Implementation of FileHeaderTransformer for xml format.