Class DefaultThirdPartyTool

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Named @Singleton public class DefaultThirdPartyTool extends Object implements ThirdPartyTool
Default implementation of the third party tool.
Tony Chemit
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • DefaultThirdPartyTool

      public DefaultThirdPartyTool()
  • Method Details

    • isVerbose

      public boolean isVerbose()
      Is log should be verbose?
      Specified by:
      isVerbose in interface ThirdPartyTool
      true if verbose log should be produced, false otherwise.
    • setVerbose

      public void setVerbose(boolean verbose)
      Sets the verbose mode.
      Specified by:
      setVerbose in interface ThirdPartyTool
      verbose - new verbose mode to set
    • attachThirdPartyDescriptor

      public void attachThirdPartyDescriptor(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project, File file)
      For the given project, attach the given file as a third-party file.

      The file will be attached as with a classifier third-parties and a type properties.

      Specified by:
      attachThirdPartyDescriptor in interface ThirdPartyTool
      project - the project on which to attch the third-party file
      file - the third-party file to attach.
    • getProjectsWithNoLicense

      public SortedSet<org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject> getProjectsWithNoLicense(LicenseMap licenseMap)
      From the given licenseMap, obtain all the projects with no license.
      Specified by:
      getProjectsWithNoLicense in interface ThirdPartyTool
      licenseMap - the license map to query
      the set of projects with no license
    • loadThirdPartyDescriptorsForUnsafeMapping

      public SortedProperties loadThirdPartyDescriptorsForUnsafeMapping(Set<org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact> topLevelDependencies, String encoding, Collection<org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject> projects, SortedSet<org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject> unsafeDependencies, LicenseMap licenseMap, List<org.eclipse.aether.repository.RemoteRepository> remoteRepositories) throws ThirdPartyToolException, IOException
      Collect license information from property file, 'third-party' classified artifacts, and dependencies.
      Specified by:
      loadThirdPartyDescriptorsForUnsafeMapping in interface ThirdPartyTool
      topLevelDependencies - top-level dependencies to scan for files.
      encoding - encoding used to read or write properties files
      projects - all projects where to read third parties descriptors
      unsafeDependencies - all unsafe projects
      licenseMap - license map where to store new licenses
      remoteRepositories - remote repositories
      the map of loaded missing from the remote missing third party files
      ThirdPartyToolException - if any
      IOException - if any
    • resolvThirdPartyDescriptor

      public File resolvThirdPartyDescriptor(org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project, List<org.eclipse.aether.repository.RemoteRepository> remoteRepositories) throws ThirdPartyToolException
      Obtain the third party file from the repository.

      Will first search in the local repository, then into the remote repositories and will resolve it.

      Specified by:
      resolvThirdPartyDescriptor in interface ThirdPartyTool
      project - the project
      remoteRepositories - the remote repositories
      the locale file resolved into the local repository
      ThirdPartyToolException - if any
    • addLicense

      public void addLicense(LicenseMap licenseMap, org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project, String... licenseNames)
      Add one or more licenses (name and url are licenseNames) to the given licenseMap for the given project.
      Specified by:
      addLicense in interface ThirdPartyTool
      licenseMap - the license map where to add the license
      project - the project
      licenseNames - the names of the licenses
    • addLicense

      public void addLicense(LicenseMap licenseMap, org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project, org.apache.maven.model.License license)
      Add a given license to the given licenseMap for the given project.
      Specified by:
      addLicense in interface ThirdPartyTool
      licenseMap - the license map where to add the license
      project - the project
      license - the license to add
    • addLicense

      public void addLicense(LicenseMap licenseMap, org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject project, List<?> licenses)
      Add a given licenses to the given licenseMap for the given project.
      Specified by:
      addLicense in interface ThirdPartyTool
      licenseMap - the license map where to add the licenses
      project - the project
      licenses - the licenses to add
    • mergeLicenses

      public void mergeLicenses(LicenseMap licenseMap, String mainLicense, Set<String> licenses)
      For a given licenseMap, merge all licenses.

      The first value of the licenses is the license to keep and all other values will be merged into the first one.

      Specified by:
      mergeLicenses in interface ThirdPartyTool
      licenseMap - the license map to merge
      mainLicense - the main license to keep
      licenses - all the licenses to merge
    • loadUnsafeMapping

      public SortedProperties loadUnsafeMapping(LicenseMap licenseMap, SortedMap<String,org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject> artifactCache, String encoding, File missingFile, String missingFileUrl) throws IOException
      Loads unsafe mapping and returns it.
      Specified by:
      loadUnsafeMapping in interface ThirdPartyTool
      licenseMap - license map
      artifactCache - cache of dependencies (used for id migration from missing file)
      encoding - encoding used to load missing file
      missingFile - location of the optional missing file
      missingFileUrl - location of an optional missing file extension that can be downloaded from some resource hoster and that will be merged with the content of the missing file.
      the unsafe mapping
      IOException - if pb while reading missing file
    • overrideLicenses

      public void overrideLicenses(LicenseMap licenseMap, SortedMap<String,org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject> artifactCache, String encoding, String overrideUrl) throws IOException
      Override licenses from override file.
      Specified by:
      overrideLicenses in interface ThirdPartyTool
      licenseMap - license map
      artifactCache - cache of dependencies (used for id migration from missing file)
      encoding - encoding used to load override file
      overrideUrl - location of an optional override file extension that can be downloaded from some resource hoster
      IOException - if pb while reading override file
    • writeThirdPartyFile

      public void writeThirdPartyFile(LicenseMap licenseMap, File thirdPartyFile, boolean verbose, String encoding, String lineFormat) throws IOException
      Write the content of the third-party file.
      Specified by:
      writeThirdPartyFile in interface ThirdPartyTool
      licenseMap - map of all license to use
      thirdPartyFile - location of file to generate
      verbose - verbose flag
      encoding - encoding used to generate file
      lineFormat - the location of the freemarker template used to generate the file content
      IOException - if any probem while writing file
    • writeBundleThirdPartyFile

      public void writeBundleThirdPartyFile(File thirdPartyFile, File outputDirectory, String bundleThirdPartyPath) throws IOException
      Writes the bundled version of the third-party file.
      Specified by:
      writeBundleThirdPartyFile in interface ThirdPartyTool
      thirdPartyFile - location of normal third-party file
      outputDirectory - where to generate bundled version of the third-party file
      bundleThirdPartyPath - relative end path of the file to generate
      IOException - if any problem while writing file
    • resolveMissingLicensesDescriptor

      public File resolveMissingLicensesDescriptor(String groupId, String artifactId, String version, List<org.eclipse.aether.repository.RemoteRepository> remoteRepositories) throws IOException, org.eclipse.aether.resolution.ArtifactResolutionException, org.eclipse.aether.transfer.ArtifactNotFoundException
      Specified by:
      resolveMissingLicensesDescriptor in interface ThirdPartyTool