
In your project's pom.xml, add the JavaNCSS plugin in the reporting section.


Execute the site plugin to generate the report distribution:

  mvn site

Alternatively if you want only the javancss to be reported you can use:

  mvn javancss:report

Aggregate Reporting

When running against a project which has no source but has child modules, the JavaNCSS plugin will attempt to aggregate any child JavaNCSS reports into an aggregate report. Unfortunately Maven's internal support for report aggregation is rather poor so it does have a number of limitations. Foremost the aggregate report is generated before the child reports so you must re-run the JavaNCSS report after the children have generated, like this:

  mvn clean site (generate the site for every module recursively)
  mvn javancss:report (re-run the JavaNCSS report recursively so the aggregate report works)

Available Configuration Options

Parameter Optional Description
lineThreshold Yes Number of lines to keep for objects & functions report. Defaults to 30.
xmlOutputDirectory Yes Location where the temporary raw xml output from JavaNCSS will be written. Defaults to /Users/kama/ws-git-codehaus/javancss-maven-plugin/target
tempFileName Yes Filename for the temporary raw xml output from JavaNCSS. Defaults to javancss-raw-report.xml

Checking your build for ccn or ncss limits

You can use this plugin to check wether or not your code has reached a ccn or ncss limit. Setup is the same when used for reporting. You can execute this mojo with the following command line:

  mvn javancss:check

Available Configuration Options specific of javancss:check

javancss:check mojo has the same configuration options of the reporting mojos plus the following:

Parameter Optional Description
failOnViolation Yes When either ccnLimit or ncssLimit is reached, will fail the build when set to true. It will display a warning on the console in any case. Defaults to true.
ccnLimit Yes The limit for the CCN metric. Defaults to 10
ncssLimit Yes The limit for the NCSS metric. Defaults to 100