Checking your source at build time

The following example configuration enable the build to fail when the ccn of a method exceed 12 or the ncss 90. Note that the plugin is not used in the reporting section of your build here, this is not the same usage as the standard reporting one.


Here's a capture of the output when using javancss:check

[INFO]    task-segment: [javancss:check]
[INFO] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Preparing javancss:check
[INFO] [javancss:report]
[INFO] Including for parsing : /Users/jlf/src/NcssTestGround/src/main/java/javancss/testground/
[INFO] [javancss:check]
[WARNING] Your code has 1 method(s) with a ncss greater than 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Your code has 1 method(s) with a ncss greater than 1
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------