Activating the plugin

Many projects or applications provide REST-Services using JAX-RS. Often they are nicely documentated using JavaDoc. However, the JavaDoc is not the perfect documentation to quickly see how to use the REST-API. With servicedocgen-maven-plugin you get nice service documentation for free as it is generated from your code.


In your top-level POM set a fixed version ("dev"), add flatten-maven-plugin and define a variable for your central project version:
          <!-- See goal description for details -->
              <title>Hello World Documentation</title>
              <description>This is the detailed documentation of the Hello World service.</description>
                <jsonExample>{"message": "text",
  "code": "text",
  "uuid": "text"}</jsonExample>


Now we assume that your project defines the following service:
 * This is a REST-Service to say hello to the world.
@Path( "/hello-world/v1" )
@Consumes( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
@Produces( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON )
public interface HelloWorldRestService
     * Says hello to the world.
     * @return the String "hello-world".
    @Path( "/world" )
    String helloWorld();

     * Echos the given message.
     * @param message the message to echo.
     * @return the given message.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException in the given message is invalid (e.g. {@code null}).
    @Path( "/echo" )
    String echo( String message )
        throws IllegalArgumentException;

     * Deletes the world.<br/>
     * <b>ATTENTION:</b> This method will delete the entire world including yourself. Never call this method!
    @Path( "/world" )
    void deleteWorld();



Now if you build your project (e.g. mvn clean install) the service documentation will be generated. Here you can see the result for the example given above: Service-Documentation.html