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By default, the rmic goal will search for classes that implement java.rmi.Remote in the directory ${}. Specific files can be included or excluded from compilation by using the <includes> and <excludes> parameters.

Output is by default written to the directory target/rmi-classes. However, this location can be changed using the <outputDirectory> parameter. For example, to output the stubs directly to the classes directory for inclusion in the main project jar, outputDirectory can be set to ${}.

Configuring includes/excludes and rmic params


Running rmic against classes not in the main project classes

It may be necessary to generate rmi stubs for classes that are not in the main classes directory. For these classes you must specify the fully qualified class name that you wish to compile. As long as the class is found on the classpath (i.e. in the project dependencies) rmic will be able to compile it. The class can also be specified using the "/" delimited path to the class.


Including the stub classes in the main project jar

Output is by default written to the directory target/rmi-classes. Using this default behavior the stub classes will not be included in the main project artifact. To include the stubs in the main project jar the outputDirectory can be set to ${}.

Similarly, to include the stubs in the test jar the testOutputDirectory should be set to ${}

Running in JDK9

As of JDK9, tools.jar is gone, and the built-in rmic is no longer available. Instead, you will need to use the version of rmic packaged with the glassfish ORB, and add it as a dependency to the plugin:


Using the package goal
