All Classes and Interfaces

A file entry backed by ArchetypeCatalog in a ArtifactStore.
A file entry backed by a Artifact in a ArtifactStore.
A FileSystem that delegates to a ArtifactStore.
A delegating file system that will automatically provide digests of any files that are missing digests from the backing file system.
Base class for all DigestFileEntryFactorys.
An artifact store that serves as a union of multiple artifact stores.
A factory for creating digest file entries.
An artifact store backed by a directory on the local disk.
An artifact store based off a FileSystem.
Servlet that serves a FileSystem.
A delegating file entry that also knows how to generate the content if the entry it delegates to has problems.
Repository used for distribution management
An entry backed by a FileEntry on a (possibly different) FileSystem.
A locally stored Maven repository.
A FileEntry that corresponds to the MD5 digest of another file entry.
A DigestFileEntryFactory that creates MD5 digest entries.
A file entry backed by Metadata in a ArtifactStore.
An artifact store that keeps all its artifacts in memory.
A mock Maven repository.
A FileEntry that corresponds to the SHA1 digest of another file entry.
A DigestFileEntryFactory that creates SHA1 digest entries.
Utility class.