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This goal forks executions of the add-third-party goal for all the leaf projects of the tree of modules below the point where it is executed. Note that this plugin sets a specific name, 'add-third-party', for the forked executions in the individual projects. From command level, then even though the execution of this goal is named 'default-cli', the forked executions have the name 'add-third-party'. Thus, to use the pluginManagement element of the POM to set options, you have to name the execution 'add-third-party', not 'default-cli'.


  • Requires a Maven project to be executed.
  • Executes as an aggregator goal.
  • Requires dependency resolution of artifacts in scope: test.
  • The goal is thread-safe and supports parallel builds.
  • Since version: 1.0.
  • Binds by default to the lifecycle phase: generate-resources.

Required Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<outputDirectory> File 1.0 Directory where to generate files.
Default: ${}/generated-sources/license
User Property: license.outputDirectory
<thirdPartyFilename> String 1.0 File where to write the third-party file.
Default: THIRD-PARTY.txt
User Property: license.thirdPartyFilename

Optional Parameters

Name Type Since Description
<acceptPomPackaging> boolean 1.1 If true the mojo will be executed for reactor projects having any packaging (including pom); otherwise the mojo will be executed only for projects that do not have packaging pom.

Since 1.18, when acceptPomPackaging is true, aggregate-add-third-party mojo is executed also for the Maven session root project - i.e. the one out whose directory the mojo was executed. Before 1.18, when acceptPomPackaging was true, aggregate-add-third-party mojo was iterating over all modules in the reactor but the Maven session root project was skipped.

Default: false
User Property: license.acceptPomPackaging
<aggregateMissingLicensesFile> File 1.11
since 1.14, please use now missingFile.

To resolve third party licenses from a file.
User Property: license.aggregateMissingLicensesFile
<aggregateMissingLicensesFileArtifact> String 1.11
since 1.14, please use now missingLicensesFileArtifact

To resolve third party licenses from an artifact.
User Property: license.aggregateMissingLicensesFileArtifact
<artifactFiltersUrl> String 1.18 A URL returning a plain text file that contains include/exclude artifact filters in the following format:
# this is a comment
include gaPattern org\.my-org:my-artifact
include gaPattern org\.other-org:other-artifact
exclude gaPattern org\.yet-anther-org:.*
include scope compile
include scope test
exclude scope system
include type jar
exclude type war

User Property: license.artifactFiltersUrl
<bundleThirdPartyPath> String 1.0 The path of the bundled third party file to produce when generateBundle is on.

Note: This option is not available for pom module types.

Default: META-INF/${project.artifactId}-THIRD-PARTY.txt
User Property: license.bundleThirdPartyPath
<deployMissingFile> boolean 1.0 Attach the 'missing' file as an additional artifact so that it is deployed in the deploy phase.
Default: true
User Property: license.deployMissingFile
<encoding> String 1.0 Encoding used to read and writes files. Note: If nothing is filled here, we will use the system property file.encoding.
Default: ${}
User Property: license.encoding
<excludeTransitiveDependencies> boolean 1.13 If true enforces excluding transitive dependencies of the excluded artifacts in the reactor; otherwise only artifacts that match exclude filters are excluded.
Default: false
User Property: license.excludeTransitiveDependencies
<excludedArtifacts> String 1.1 A regular expression (not glob pattern) used as filter to exclude artifacts that have matching artifactId. Match could be also partial for example ^org\.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is excluded its transitive dependencies are not automatically excluded. To enforce this behavior refer to excludeTransitiveDependencies.

User Property: license.excludedArtifacts
<excludedGroups> String 1.1 A regular expression (not glob pattern) used as filter to exclude artifacts that have matching groupId. Match could be also partial for example ^org\.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is excluded its transitive dependencies are not automatically excluded. To enforce this behavior refer to excludeTransitiveDependencies.

User Property: license.excludedGroups
<excludedLicenses> AbstractAddThirdPartyMojo$ExcludedLicenses 1.1 To specify some licenses to exclude.

If a such license is found then build will fail when property failOnBlacklist is true.

Since version 1.4, there are three ways to fill this parameter :

  • A simple string (separated by |), the way to use by property configuration:
  • A list of string (can only be used in plugin configuration, not via property configuration)
  • Since version 1.15
    a URL that contains a set of license names at the target source (only a single URL is accepted as parameter)
    the license-list on the given URL is expected to be list with a line-break after every entry e.g.:
    • The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
    • Apache License, Version 2.0
    • Bouncy Castle Licence
    • MIT License
    empty lines will be ignored.

User Property: license.excludedLicenses
<excludedScopes> String 1.1 A comma separated list of scopes to exclude: e.g. <excludedScopes>test,provided</excludedScopes> or -Dlicense.excludedScopes=test,provided.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is excluded its transitive dependencies are not automatically excluded. To enforce this behavior refer to excludeTransitiveDependencies.

Default: system
User Property: license.excludedScopes
<excludedTypes> String 1.15 A comma separated list of types to exclude: e.g. <excludedTypes>war,pom</excludedTypes> or -Dlicense.excludedTypes=was,pom.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is excluded its transitive dependencies are not automatically excluded. To enforce this behavior refer to excludeTransitiveDependencies.

User Property: license.excludedTypes
<failIfWarning> boolean 1.0
since 1.14, use now failOnMissing or failOnBlacklist.

A flag to fail the build if at least one dependency was detected without a license.
Default: false
User Property: license.failIfWarning
<failOnBlacklist> boolean 1.14 A flag to fail the build if at least one dependency was blacklisted.
Default: false
User Property: license.failOnBlacklist
<failOnMissing> boolean 1.14 A flag to fail the build if at least one dependency was detected without a license.
Default: false
User Property: license.failOnMissing
<fileTemplate> String 1.1 Template used to build the third-party file.

(This template uses freemarker).

Note: This property can either point to a file or a resource on the classpath. In case it points to a file and this plugin is used within a sub-module as part of a multi-module build, you need to make this path resolvable, e.g. by prepending basedir.

Default: /org/codehaus/mojo/license/third-party-file.ftl
User Property: license.fileTemplate
<force> boolean 1.0 To force generation of the third-party file even if everything is up to date.
Default: false
User Property: license.force
<generateBundle> boolean 1.0 A flag to copy a bundled version of the third-party file. This is useful to avoid for a final application collision name of third party file.

The file will be copied at the bundleThirdPartyPath location.

Default: false
User Property: license.generateBundle
<includeOptional> boolean 1.19 If true both optional and non-optional dependencies will be included in the list of artifacts for creating the license report; otherwise only non-optional dependencies will be considered.
Default: true
User Property: license.includeOptional
<includeTransitiveDependencies> boolean 1.1 If true enforces including transitive dependencies of the projects in the reactor; otherwise only direct dependencies of the reactor projects are considered.
Default: true
User Property: license.includeTransitiveDependencies
<includedArtifacts> String 1.1 A regular expression (not glob pattern) used as filter to include only artifacts that have matching artifactId.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is included also its transitive dependencies are included. To suppress this behavior refer to includeTransitiveDependencies.

User Property: license.includedArtifacts
<includedGroups> String 1.1 A regular expression (not glob pattern) used as filter to include only artifacts that have matching groupId.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is included also its transitive dependencies are included. To suppress this behavior refer to includeTransitiveDependencies.

User Property: license.includedGroups
<includedLicenses> AbstractAddThirdPartyMojo$IncludedLicenses 1.1 To specify some licenses to include.

If this parameter is filled and a license is not in this whitelist then build will fail when property failOnBlacklist is true.

Since version 1.4, there are three ways to fill this parameter :

  • A simple string (separated by |), the way to use by property configuration:
  • A list of string (can only be used in plugin configuration, not via property configuration)
  • Since version 1.15
    a URL that contains a set of license names at the target source (only a single URL is accepted as parameter)
    the license-list on the given URL is expected to be list with a line-break after every entry e.g.:
    • The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
    • Apache License, Version 2.0
    • Bouncy Castle Licence
    • MIT License
    empty lines will be ignored.

User Property: license.includedLicenses
<includedScopes> String 1.1 A comma separated list of scopes to include: e.g. <includedScopes>test,provided</includedScopes> or -Dlicense.includedScopes=test,provided.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is included also its transitive dependencies are included. To suppress this behavior refer to includeTransitiveDependencies.

User Property: license.includedScopes
<includedTypes> String 1.15 A comma separated list of types to include.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is included also its transitive dependencies are included. To suppress this behavior refer to includeTransitiveDependencies.

User Property: license.includedTypes
<licenseMerges> List<String> 1.0 To merge licenses in final file.

Each entry represents a merge (first license is main license to keep), licenses are separated by |.

Example :

<licenseMerge>The Apache Software License|Version 2.0,Apache License, Version 2.0</licenseMerge>

Note: This option will be overridden by licenseMergesUrl if it is used by command line.
<licenseMergesFile> String 1.15
prefer use now licenseMergesUrl

The file with the merge licenses in order to be used by command line. Note: This option overrides licenseMerges.
User Property: license.licenseMergesFile
<licenseMergesUrl> String 1.17 Location of file with the merge licenses in order to be used by command line. Note: This option overrides licenseMerges.
User Property: license.licenseMergesUrl
<missingFile> File 1.0 The file to write with a license information template for dependencies with unknown license.
Default: src/license/
User Property: license.missingFile
<missingFileUrl> String 1.15 The Url that holds the missing license dependency entries. This is an extension to missingFile. If set then the entries that will be found at this URL will be added additionally to the entries of the missing file.

the response of the URL endpoint must return content that matches the file!
User Property: license.missingFileUrl
<missingLicensesFileArtifact> String 1.14 To resolve third party licenses from an artifact.
User Property: license.missingLicensesFileArtifact
<overrideFile> File 1.12
Use overrideUrl instead

A file containing the override license information for dependencies. Note: Specify either overrideUrl (preferred) or overrideFile. If none of these is specified, then "src/license/" resolved against ${basedir} will be used if it exists.
User Property: license.overrideFile
<overrideUrl> String 1.17 A URL pointing at a property file with the override license information for dependencies. Note: Specify either overrideUrl (preferred) or overrideFile. If none of these is specified, then "src/license/" resolved against ${basedir} will be used if it exists.

An example of the file content:

org.jboss.xnio--xnio-api--3.3.6.Final=The Apache Software License, Version 2.0

User Property: license.overrideUrl
<skipAggregateAddThirdParty> boolean 1.5 To skip execution of this mojo.
Default: false
User Property: license.skipAggregateAddThirdParty
<sortArtifactByName> boolean 1.6 A flag to sort artifact by name in the generated third-party file.

If not then artifacts are sorted by


Default: false
User Property: license.sortArtifactByName
<useMissingFile> boolean 1.0 A flag to use the missing licenses file to consolidate the THID-PARTY file.
Default: false
User Property: license.useMissingFile
<useRepositoryMissingFiles> boolean 1.0 Load files supplying information for missing third party licenses from repositories. The plugin looks for Maven artifacts with coordinates of the form G:A:V:properties:third-party, where the group, artifact, and version are those for dependencies of your project, while the type is 'properties' and the classifier is 'third-party'.
Default: true
User Property: license.useRepositoryMissingFiles
<verbose> boolean 1.0 Flag to activate verbose mode. Note: Verbose mode is always on if you starts a debug maven instance (says via -X).
Default: ${maven.verbose}
User Property: license.verbose

Parameter Details


If true the mojo will be executed for reactor projects having any packaging (including pom); otherwise the mojo will be executed only for projects that do not have packaging pom.

Since 1.18, when acceptPomPackaging is true, aggregate-add-third-party mojo is executed also for the Maven session root project - i.e. the one out whose directory the mojo was executed. Before 1.18, when acceptPomPackaging was true, aggregate-add-third-party mojo was iterating over all modules in the reactor but the Maven session root project was skipped.

  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.acceptPomPackaging
  • Default: false


since 1.14, please use now missingFile.

To resolve third party licenses from a file.
  • Type:
  • Since: 1.11
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.aggregateMissingLicensesFile


since 1.14, please use now missingLicensesFileArtifact

To resolve third party licenses from an artifact.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.11
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.aggregateMissingLicensesFileArtifact


A URL returning a plain text file that contains include/exclude artifact filters in the following format:
# this is a comment
include gaPattern org\.my-org:my-artifact
include gaPattern org\.other-org:other-artifact
exclude gaPattern org\.yet-anther-org:.*
include scope compile
include scope test
exclude scope system
include type jar
exclude type war
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.18
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.artifactFiltersUrl


The path of the bundled third party file to produce when generateBundle is on.

Note: This option is not available for pom module types.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.bundleThirdPartyPath
  • Default: META-INF/${project.artifactId}-THIRD-PARTY.txt


Attach the 'missing' file as an additional artifact so that it is deployed in the deploy phase.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.deployMissingFile
  • Default: true


Encoding used to read and writes files. Note: If nothing is filled here, we will use the system property file.encoding.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.encoding
  • Default: ${}


If true enforces excluding transitive dependencies of the excluded artifacts in the reactor; otherwise only artifacts that match exclude filters are excluded.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.13
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.excludeTransitiveDependencies
  • Default: false


A regular expression (not glob pattern) used as filter to exclude artifacts that have matching artifactId. Match could be also partial for example ^org\.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is excluded its transitive dependencies are not automatically excluded. To enforce this behavior refer to excludeTransitiveDependencies.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.excludedArtifacts


A regular expression (not glob pattern) used as filter to exclude artifacts that have matching groupId. Match could be also partial for example ^org\.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is excluded its transitive dependencies are not automatically excluded. To enforce this behavior refer to excludeTransitiveDependencies.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.excludedGroups


To specify some licenses to exclude.

If a such license is found then build will fail when property failOnBlacklist is true.

Since version 1.4, there are three ways to fill this parameter :

  • A simple string (separated by |), the way to use by property configuration:
  • A list of string (can only be used in plugin configuration, not via property configuration)
  • Since version 1.15
    a URL that contains a set of license names at the target source (only a single URL is accepted as parameter)
    the license-list on the given URL is expected to be list with a line-break after every entry e.g.:
    • The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
    • Apache License, Version 2.0
    • Bouncy Castle Licence
    • MIT License
    empty lines will be ignored.
  • Type: org.codehaus.mojo.license.AbstractAddThirdPartyMojo$ExcludedLicenses
  • Since: 1.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.excludedLicenses


A comma separated list of scopes to exclude: e.g. <excludedScopes>test,provided</excludedScopes> or -Dlicense.excludedScopes=test,provided.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is excluded its transitive dependencies are not automatically excluded. To enforce this behavior refer to excludeTransitiveDependencies.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.excludedScopes
  • Default: system


A comma separated list of types to exclude: e.g. <excludedTypes>war,pom</excludedTypes> or -Dlicense.excludedTypes=was,pom.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is excluded its transitive dependencies are not automatically excluded. To enforce this behavior refer to excludeTransitiveDependencies.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.15
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.excludedTypes


since 1.14, use now failOnMissing or failOnBlacklist.

A flag to fail the build if at least one dependency was detected without a license.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.failIfWarning
  • Default: false


A flag to fail the build if at least one dependency was blacklisted.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.14
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.failOnBlacklist
  • Default: false


A flag to fail the build if at least one dependency was detected without a license.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.14
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.failOnMissing
  • Default: false


Template used to build the third-party file.

(This template uses freemarker).

Note: This property can either point to a file or a resource on the classpath. In case it points to a file and this plugin is used within a sub-module as part of a multi-module build, you need to make this path resolvable, e.g. by prepending basedir.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.fileTemplate
  • Default: /org/codehaus/mojo/license/third-party-file.ftl


To force generation of the third-party file even if everything is up to date.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.force
  • Default: false


A flag to copy a bundled version of the third-party file. This is useful to avoid for a final application collision name of third party file.

The file will be copied at the bundleThirdPartyPath location.

  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.generateBundle
  • Default: false


If true both optional and non-optional dependencies will be included in the list of artifacts for creating the license report; otherwise only non-optional dependencies will be considered.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.19
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.includeOptional
  • Default: true


If true enforces including transitive dependencies of the projects in the reactor; otherwise only direct dependencies of the reactor projects are considered.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.includeTransitiveDependencies
  • Default: true


A regular expression (not glob pattern) used as filter to include only artifacts that have matching artifactId.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is included also its transitive dependencies are included. To suppress this behavior refer to includeTransitiveDependencies.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.includedArtifacts


A regular expression (not glob pattern) used as filter to include only artifacts that have matching groupId.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is included also its transitive dependencies are included. To suppress this behavior refer to includeTransitiveDependencies.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.includedGroups


To specify some licenses to include.

If this parameter is filled and a license is not in this whitelist then build will fail when property failOnBlacklist is true.

Since version 1.4, there are three ways to fill this parameter :

  • A simple string (separated by |), the way to use by property configuration:
  • A list of string (can only be used in plugin configuration, not via property configuration)
  • Since version 1.15
    a URL that contains a set of license names at the target source (only a single URL is accepted as parameter)
    the license-list on the given URL is expected to be list with a line-break after every entry e.g.:
    • The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
    • Apache License, Version 2.0
    • Bouncy Castle Licence
    • MIT License
    empty lines will be ignored.
  • Type: org.codehaus.mojo.license.AbstractAddThirdPartyMojo$IncludedLicenses
  • Since: 1.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.includedLicenses


A comma separated list of scopes to include: e.g. <includedScopes>test,provided</includedScopes> or -Dlicense.includedScopes=test,provided.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is included also its transitive dependencies are included. To suppress this behavior refer to includeTransitiveDependencies.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.1
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.includedScopes


A comma separated list of types to include.

This filter is applied on the list of direct dependencies (and their transitive dependencies) of the projects in the reactor.

By default if an artifact is included also its transitive dependencies are included. To suppress this behavior refer to includeTransitiveDependencies.

  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.15
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.includedTypes


To merge licenses in final file.

Each entry represents a merge (first license is main license to keep), licenses are separated by |.

Example :

<licenseMerge>The Apache Software License|Version 2.0,Apache License, Version 2.0</licenseMerge>

Note: This option will be overridden by licenseMergesUrl if it is used by command line.
  • Type: java.util.List<java.lang.String>
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No


prefer use now licenseMergesUrl

The file with the merge licenses in order to be used by command line. Note: This option overrides licenseMerges.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.15
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.licenseMergesFile


Location of file with the merge licenses in order to be used by command line. Note: This option overrides licenseMerges.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.17
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.licenseMergesUrl


The file to write with a license information template for dependencies with unknown license.
  • Type:
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.missingFile
  • Default: src/license/


The Url that holds the missing license dependency entries. This is an extension to missingFile. If set then the entries that will be found at this URL will be added additionally to the entries of the missing file.

the response of the URL endpoint must return content that matches the file!
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.15
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.missingFileUrl


To resolve third party licenses from an artifact.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.14
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.missingLicensesFileArtifact


Directory where to generate files.
  • Type:
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: Yes
  • User Property: license.outputDirectory
  • Default: ${}/generated-sources/license


Use overrideUrl instead

A file containing the override license information for dependencies. Note: Specify either overrideUrl (preferred) or overrideFile. If none of these is specified, then "src/license/" resolved against ${basedir} will be used if it exists.
  • Type:
  • Since: 1.12
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.overrideFile


A URL pointing at a property file with the override license information for dependencies. Note: Specify either overrideUrl (preferred) or overrideFile. If none of these is specified, then "src/license/" resolved against ${basedir} will be used if it exists.

An example of the file content:

org.jboss.xnio--xnio-api--3.3.6.Final=The Apache Software License, Version 2.0
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.17
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.overrideUrl


To skip execution of this mojo.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.5
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.skipAggregateAddThirdParty
  • Default: false


A flag to sort artifact by name in the generated third-party file.

If not then artifacts are sorted by

  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.6
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.sortArtifactByName
  • Default: false


File where to write the third-party file.
  • Type: java.lang.String
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: Yes
  • User Property: license.thirdPartyFilename
  • Default: THIRD-PARTY.txt


A flag to use the missing licenses file to consolidate the THID-PARTY file.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.useMissingFile
  • Default: false


Load files supplying information for missing third party licenses from repositories. The plugin looks for Maven artifacts with coordinates of the form G:A:V:properties:third-party, where the group, artifact, and version are those for dependencies of your project, while the type is 'properties' and the classifier is 'third-party'.
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.useRepositoryMissingFiles
  • Default: true


Flag to activate verbose mode. Note: Verbose mode is always on if you starts a debug maven instance (says via -X).
  • Type: boolean
  • Since: 1.0
  • Required: No
  • User Property: license.verbose
  • Default: ${maven.verbose}