All Classes and Interfaces

This is the abstract base class for MOJOs that realize the different goals of this plugin.
A shameless replacement of ModelInterpolator from maven-model-builder.
Based on StringSearchInterpolator from plexus-interpolation, see StringSearchInterpolator.
Based on StringSearchModelInterpolator in maven-model-builder.
This MOJO realizes the goal flatten:clean that deletes any files created by flatten:flatten (more specific the flattened POM file which is by default .flattened-pom.xml).
This is a simple container for Dependency objects.
The DefaultInheritanceAssembler is encapsulating the InheritanceModelMerger.
This enum contains each available handling for a POM element when flattening.
This enum contains the predefined modes on how to flatten the dependencies.
The descriptor that defines the additional POM elements that should be kept and copied to flattened POM.
This enum contains the predefined modes how to deal with additional POM elements when generating the flattened POM.
This is a custom implementation of ModelResolver to emulate the maven POM resolution in order to build the flattened POM.
This MOJO realizes the goal flatten that generates the flattened POM and potentially updates the POM file so that the current MavenProject's file points to the flattened POM instead of the original pom.xml file.
Display help information on flatten-maven-plugin.
Call mvn flatten:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
This is an implementation of ModelProblemCollector that is logging all problems.
Works around thread safety issues when modifying the global singleton DefaultModelBuilder with custom ProfileInjector and ProfileSelector.
This class reflects a property of a POM.