
This document isn't intended to be a tutorial on the use of Castor but rather on the use of the plugin. For more details on using Castor see


The easiest way to use the Castor plugin is to place your *.xsd files in ${schemaDirectory} (by default src/main/castor). All *.xsd files in this directory will have java source generated for them along the appropriate descriptors and marshallers. This code will be generated into the directory specified by ${dest} (this is target/generated-source/castor by default).

Unless you want all code to be generated to the default package, either the package parameter must be specified or the must be supplied either by putting into the src/main/castor directory or specifying it in the configuration.

The must provide the namespace to package mappings for all of the xsds in the ${schemaDirectory} as specified here.

As an alternative to using the schemaDirectory and individual schema file can be specified via the schema element of the configuration.

Minimal configuration

This configuration generates java code for all *.xsds in src/main/castor to the package specified in src/main/castor/ or the default package depending on the contents of



More complex configuration

This generates the source for a single schema (src/main/castor/schema.xsd) using the package org.codehaus.example.schema.



More documentation on the configuration options can be found in the description for the generate goal.