List plugin executions within a project
> mvn buildplan:list
[INFO] --- buildplan-maven-plugin:2.2.2:list (default-cli) @ buildplan-maven-plugin ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] generate-sources | maven-plugin-plugin | 3.6.4 | helpmojo | help-goal
[INFO] process-classes | maven-plugin-plugin | 3.6.4 | descriptor | default-descriptor
[INFO] process-resources | maven-resources-plugin | 2.6 | resources | default-resources
[INFO] compile | maven-compiler-plugin | 3.1 | compile | default-compile
[INFO] process-classes | maven-plugin-plugin | 3.6.4 | descriptor | mojo-descriptor
[INFO] process-test-resources | maven-resources-plugin | 2.6 | testResources | default-testResources
[INFO] test-compile | maven-compiler-plugin | 3.1 | testCompile | default-testCompile
[INFO] test | maven-surefire-plugin | 2.12.4 | test | default-test
[INFO] process-classes | animal-sniffer-maven-plugin | 1.22 | check | check-signature
[INFO] package | maven-jar-plugin | 2.4 | jar | default-jar
[INFO] package | maven-plugin-plugin | 3.6.4 | addPluginArtifactMetadata | default-addPluginArtifactMetadata
[INFO] package | maven-source-plugin | 3.2.1 | jar-no-fork | attach-sources
[INFO] verify | license-maven-plugin | 2.0.0 | check | default
[INFO] install | maven-install-plugin | 2.4 | install | default-install
[INFO] deploy | maven-deploy-plugin | 2.7 | deploy | default-deploy
It is possible to define the tasks used to calculate execution plan:
mvn buildplan:list-phase -Dbuildplan.tasks=clean,test
If you want to show the lifecycle that defines the listed phase(s), add this parameter:
mvn buildplan:list-phase -Dbuildplan.showLifecycles
List plugin executions within phases
> mvn buildplan:list-phase
[INFO] --- buildplan-maven-plugin:2.2.2:list-phase (default-cli) @ buildplan-maven-plugin ---
[INFO] install ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + maven-install-plugin | install | default-install
[INFO] generate-sources ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + maven-plugin-plugin | helpmojo | help-goal
[INFO] process-resources --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + maven-resources-plugin | resources | default-resources
[INFO] test ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + maven-surefire-plugin | test | default-test
[INFO] test-compile -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + maven-compiler-plugin | testCompile | default-testCompile
[INFO] process-test-resources ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + maven-resources-plugin | testResources | default-testResources
[INFO] verify -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + license-maven-plugin | check | default
[INFO] process-classes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + maven-plugin-plugin | descriptor | default-descriptor
[INFO] + maven-plugin-plugin | descriptor | mojo-descriptor
[INFO] + animal-sniffer-maven-plugin | check | check-signature
[INFO] compile ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + maven-compiler-plugin | compile | default-compile
[INFO] package ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + maven-jar-plugin | jar | default-jar
[INFO] + maven-plugin-plugin | addPluginArtifactMetadata | default-addPluginArtifactMetadata
[INFO] + maven-source-plugin | jar-no-fork | attach-sources
[INFO] deploy -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + maven-deploy-plugin | deploy | default-deploy
It is possible to limit the list to a specific phase:
mvn buildplan:list-phase -Dbuildplan.phase=test
If you want to include phases that have no executions mapped:
mvn buildplan:list-phase -Dbuildplan.showAllPhases
Here it is also possible to show the lifecycle(s) by running:
mvn buildplan:list-phase -Dbuildplan.showLifecycles
Be aware that setting buildplan.tasks
to direct plugin-executions (eg ‘release:prepare’) will show an empty lifecycle and ‘<no phase>’, since they are not mapped.
Also, because executions are collected per phase, direct plugin-executions are shown in the list at the location of the very first execution.
List plugin executions by plugins
> mvn buildplan:list-plugin
[INFO] --- buildplan-maven-plugin:2.2.2:list-plugin (default-cli) @ buildplan-maven-plugin ---
[INFO] maven-deploy-plugin -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + deploy | deploy | default-deploy
[INFO] maven-source-plugin -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + package | jar-no-fork | attach-sources
[INFO] license-maven-plugin ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + verify | check | default
[INFO] maven-resources-plugin ----------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + process-resources | resources | default-resources
[INFO] + process-test-resources | testResources | default-testResources
[INFO] maven-plugin-plugin -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + generate-sources | helpmojo | help-goal
[INFO] + process-classes | descriptor | default-descriptor
[INFO] + process-classes | descriptor | mojo-descriptor
[INFO] + package | addPluginArtifactMetadata | default-addPluginArtifactMetadata
[INFO] maven-jar-plugin ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + package | jar | default-jar
[INFO] animal-sniffer-maven-plugin -----------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + process-classes | check | check-signature
[INFO] maven-surefire-plugin -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + test | test | default-test
[INFO] maven-compiler-plugin -----------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + compile | compile | default-compile
[INFO] + test-compile | testCompile | default-testCompile
[INFO] maven-install-plugin ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] + install | install | default-install
It is possible to limit the list to a specific plugin:
mvn buildplan:list-plugin -Dbuildplan.plugin=maven-compiler-plugin
It is possible to redirect the output to a file:
mvn buildplan:list-plugin -Dbuildplan.outputFile=buildplan_output.txt
Generate the report as part of project reports
To generate the report as part of the site generation, add the following in the <reporting>
section of your POM:
When mvn site
is invoked, the report will automatically be
included in the Project Reports menu as shown in the figure below.
Generate the report in a standalone fashion
mvn buildplan:report
A HTML report should be generated in ${basedir}/target/site/buildplan-report.html