About the Generated Scripts

The generated scripts have some environment variables that they use and some system properties they set that you can use in your application.

Consumed Environment Variables

  • JAVACMD, JAVA_HOME - If set, this command will be used to launch "java". If not set it will try to use JAVA_HOME/bin/java as the command
  • JAVA_OPTS - A string that will be inserted before the arguments to the application. Use this to customize the JVM settings like -Xms etc.
  • REPO - Used by the script to build the local repository
  • CLASSPATH_PREFIX - A string that will be prefixed to the classpath. Use this to inject special directories into the classpath.

Consumed System Properties

  • app.booter.debug - Used by the booters to print out some info.

Exported System Properties

  • app.name - The name of the application as stated in the POM.
  • app.pid - The process ID of the process. NOTE: This applies to unix only.
  • app.repo - The path to the repository that was used to start the application. See REPO
  • app.home - The installation directory of the application, i.e. the directory where bin/ and repo/ exist. Use this if you need to load files relative to your installation directory (see basedir).
  • basedir - The installation directory of the application, i.e. the directory where bin/ and repo/ exist. Use this if you need to load files relative to your installation directory. (This is marked as deprecated and will be removed with Release 1.3 use app.home instead.).