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The License Maven Plugin provides several goals related to licenses in a project. This includes validating/updating license header information in source files, updating the LICENSE.txt file, and retrieving license information from dependencies. The information below should help you to get started. If you have problems using the plugin, please feel free to post your questions to the user mailing list.

Getting Plugin Configuration Information

license-list goal

This goal displays a list of available licenses.

Use it directly (and only) from commandline :

  mvn license:license-list

To display the license header, use the detail parameter :

  mvn license:license-list -Ddetail

For more information, see the examples and for full detail see detail page.

comment-style-list goal

This goal displays the available comment styles to box file header.

Use it directly (and only) from commandline :

  mvn license:comment-style-list

To display the example, use the detail parameter :

  mvn license:comment-style-list -Ddetail

For more information, see the examples and for full detail see detail page.

help goal

This goal display the help of the plugin (available goals).

Use it directly (and only) from commandline :

  mvn license:help

To display verbose help :

  mvn license:help -Ddetail

for full detail see detail page.

Updating and checking License Information

update-project-license goal

This goal creates or updates the LICENSE.txt file and adds it in the build.

It can also generate a bundle License file to avoid name collision in a final application.

For full detail see detail page.

update-file-header goal

This goal adds or updates the license header based on the configuration.

For more information, see the examples and for full detail on the configuration see detail page.

check-file-header goal

This goal checks the license header based on the configuration on project sources files.

For full detail see detail page.

This goal has same behaviour as the update-file-header with dryRun option.

Getting Dependency License Information

add-third-party goal

This goal builds the THIRD-PARTY.txt file and adds it in the build.

We are also able to consolidate the generated file by filling another file (the missing file) for dependencies without license.

Note: This mojo has no effect on a pom project.

For more information, see the examples and for full details see the add third party mojo page.

aggregate-add-third-party goal

This goal builds the THIRD-PARTY.txt file on a multi-module project from the dependencies of all its modules.

Note: This mojo only has effect on a pom project.

For more information, see the examples and for full detail see the aggregate add third party mojo page.

download-licenses goal

The License Maven Plugin can download dependency license files and generate an XML report of the licenses. Example configuration is listed below, and more information is available in the examples page.

By default the plugin attaches to the generate-resources phase of the build lifecycle.


Next run your build:

mvn package

For the download-licenses goal, licenses will by default be downloaded into the directory target/licenses. This can be configured using the licensesOutputDirectory parameter.

aggregate-download-licenses goal

The aggregate version of the download-licenses goal.

By default the plugin attaches to the generate-resources phase of the build lifecycle and is only executed for the root module collecting dependencies of all reactor projects.


Next run your build:

mvn package

For the download-licenses goal, licenses will by default be downloaded into the directory target/licenses. This can be configured using the licensesOutputDirectory parameter.