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GitHub Report

# Type Summary Assignee Reporter Status Created Updated Fix Version
51 duplicate generated sources path is not visible lennartj alexey-su closed 2016-07-26 2016-10-13 Release 2.3
50 bug Provide a way to specify character encoding of files that do not produce maven warning andham rwold-resilient closed 2016-05-18 2017-03-08 Release 2.3.1
49 duplicate TransformerFactoryImpl was loaded incorrectly if xalan:xalan is in the classpath lennartj zhuchenwang closed 2016-05-17 2016-05-26 Release 2.3
44 bug Default OutputDirectory not added when compiling generated sources using the release plugin lennartj svendiedrichsen closed 2016-02-25 2017-01-16 Release 2.3
40 bug Problem running schemagen with JDK 1.8 when createJavaDocAnnotations is true lennartj netzling closed 2015-12-08 2016-05-26 Release 2.3
37 bug SCHEMAGEN - JAVADOC - ENUM lennartj simfol59 closed 2015-11-09 2016-09-17 Release 2.3
35 duplicate Running 'mvn install' without doing a clean first causes build to not find previously generated sources. lennartj PredatorVI closed 2015-10-07 2016-05-26 Release 2.3
34 bug Providing multiple binding files doesn't work lennartj McNeil82 closed 2015-10-02 2016-08-09 Release 2.3
32 bug NullPointerException on line 492 lennartj luciano-deriu closed 2015-09-16 2016-09-19 Release 2.3
26 bug <build> should have closing tag as <\build> lennartj jaswanth424 closed 2015-08-18 2016-05-23 Release 2.3
25 enhancement JavaDoc Processor disregards xml type renaming lennartj dxxr closed 2015-08-12 2016-10-13 Release 2.3
24 bug Plugin not m2e compatible (regression) andham andham closed 2015-08-11 2017-03-08 Release 2.3.1
23 enhancement Upgrade to Mojo parent 37 lennartj lennartj closed 2015-08-07 2015-08-10 Release 2.2
22 enhancement Fixes #5 XSD files computed relative to current directory lennartj jeffmaury closed 2015-07-24 2015-08-10 Release 2.2
21 enhancement Fix JavaDoc for 'locale' parameter lennartj lennartj closed 2015-07-22 2015-07-22 Release 2.2
20 enhancement PMD reports an unnecessary amount of silly code problems lennartj lennartj closed 2015-07-22 2015-07-22 Release 2.2
19 bug Remove JIRA issue report lennartj lennartj closed 2015-07-22 2015-07-22 Release 2.2
18 enhancement Setup TravisCI to use matrix build lennartj lennartj closed 2015-07-22 2015-07-22 Release 2.2
15 enhancement Only inject XSD documentation annotations processed from JavaDoc if the JavaDoc is non-empty lennartj lennartj closed 2015-07-14 2015-07-15 Release 2.2
14 bug Ensure that files are processed correctly as sources for SchemaGen lennartj lennartj closed 2015-07-14 2015-07-14 Release 2.2
13 enhancement Create IT illustrating that the plugin can handle SchemaGen exceptions gracefully lennartj lennartj closed 2015-07-14 2015-07-18 Release 2.2
9 enhancement Add a propertery to set the locale of the (xjc) generated files lennartj TheSnoozer closed 2015-07-11 2015-07-14 Release 2.2
8 bug Execution of plugin in subartifact differs from windows to unix lennartj StrawBerryAtWork closed 2015-06-29 2016-06-10 Release 2.2
7 bug ClassCastException during schemagen lennartj pvandenbrink closed 2015-06-15 2015-07-18 Release 2.2
5 enhancement XJB Argument is shortened. lennartj yogeshrao closed 2015-06-08 2015-07-28 Release 2.2
3 bug <sources> parameter for schemagen is ignored! lennartj rankinc closed 2015-06-03 2015-07-14 Release 2.2
2   Change link to issue tracking system lennartj khmarbaise closed 2015-06-02 2015-07-14 Release 2.2