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This plugin will process all *.idl files in the sourceDirectory into a common generated sources output directory. This will occur during the generate-sources phase and the sources directory will be added to the project for the compile phase.

To execute the goal in stand alone mode, you can type:

<<<mvn idlj:generate>>>

By default, idlj-maven-plugin uses the built-in idlj compiler, if available. As of Java 9, uses the glassfish idl compiler. To use the glassfish idl compiler explicitly, specify "glassfish" as the compiler type:


To use the jacorb idl compiler, include a dependency on the jacorb idl compiler:


(or any desired version) and specify "jacorb" as the compiler type:


Available Configuration Options

compiler - Selects the underlying idl compiler to use (must be either "idlj" - the default, "glassfish", or "jacorb").


includeDirs - Specifies which directories to search for included idl files.


sources - apply options per group of idl files

  ... items to select specific files and configure the group

Available Configuration Options for each Source tag

  • compatible - Forces the creation of Java sources compatibile with JDK:s older than version 1.4. Defaults to true, if not provided
  • emitStubs - Whether the compiler should emit client stubs. Defaults to true, if not provided
  • emitSkeletons - Whether the compiler should emit server skeletons. Defaults to true, if not provided.
  • packagePrefix - (Jacorb-only) Specifies a single, global packageprefix to use for all modules. Defaults to "", if not provided.
  • packagePrefixes - The list of package prefixes for certain types.
    • type The simple name of either a top-level module, or an IDL type defined outside of any module
    • prefix The generated Java package name with prefix for all files generated for that type
  • packageTranslations - The list of package translations for certain types.
    • type The simple name of either a top-level module, or an IDL type defined outside of any module
    • package A java package name to use in place of the module name
  • includes - Specifies which files to include in compilation.
  • excludes - Specifies which files to exclude from compilation.
  • defines - The list of preprocessor symbols to define.
    • symbol The symbol to define
    • value (Jacorb only) The value of the symbol. This is optional. If omitted, defaults to '1'
  • additionalArguments - The list of additional, compiler-specific arguments to use.

Configuration example
