All Classes and Interfaces

This class is used for unifying functionality between the 2 mojo exec plugins ('java' and 'exec').
Base type for system properties.
Executes the supplied java class in the current VM with the enclosing project's dependencies as classpath.
A Plugin for executing external programs.
ExecutableDependency class.
An executor which has the ability to use the ProcessBuilder.inheritIO() flag.
Display help information on exec-maven-plugin.
Call mvn exec:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
Represents all project properties (to set as system properties).
Wrapper class for the systemProperty argument type.
Exception to be thrown by SystemExitManager when System.exit(int) is called
Will be used by BlockExitTransformer to replace System.exit(int) by this implementation.
Just to comply to maven configuration (object converter) and the legacy configuration.